How to Use This Help Centre

Search for a keyword

Use the Search Box and type the keyword

Or click any of the main categories and find the relevant articles. 

The categories can be shown as a Card or List View.

Within each article, you can read the content and view the images and GIFs. The keywords are hyperlinked to the other articles and you can browse between the articles. You can also browse between the articles using the Address bar or the angle bracket symbol (<>).

If you want to zoom in and out the screen, you can press and hold the CTRL key in Windows and ⌘ key Mac and then press either the + (Plus sign) or - (Minus sign) to make objects on the screen larger or smaller.

Due to our privacy policy, some areas in the shared images are redacted.

If you want to have a larger view of the images, you can right-click and open the image in a new tab. 

Sumit a Ticket

If you can't find your answer, submit a ticket, and we will assist you.


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