
As far as data privacy goes, your data is yours. We do not sell or rent any customer information or information provided to the service. 

For more information, please review the ISO+™ Privacy Policy.

Manage Privacy Internally

In some cases, you will want to keep some of the boards private and not share them with the rest of your team. 

Perhaps you will have some personal information you’d rather keep to yourself or account information that you don’t want others to see.

Whatever the situation, keeping a board private is easy. All you have to do is avoid inviting anyone from your team to your board.

If your team members are not invited to a certain board, they won’t have access to it. 

Ultimately, it doesn’t matter if they’ve been added to the entire workspace or other boards in that workspace

Unless you specifically invite them to a board, they won’t even see it in their own dashboard.

Manage Privacy Externally

In ISO+™, there’s an option for you to have guest users onboard by sharing a certain board with them. 

To read more about board sharing, check out the Public Board article in the Collaboration section.

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