
📌 NOTE: Depending on your role and permission level, some of the following features might not be available for your account.

Workspace is the highest level unit of ISO+™ and is usually labelled as your company name plus the standard or program that you want to register for. For example, ABC - QMS indicates the quality management system of company ABC and XYZ - NDIS indicates the NDIS framework of company XYZ.

You can customise your workspace by clicking the little arrow next to your workspace's name or by clicking the workspace's name in the left sidebar. Once you click the arrow, some options will appear, such as Settings, Members, and Boards.

By clicking on 'Settings' ('Preferences' in the left sidebar), you will be taken to a window with your workspace details. 

Depending on your role and the permission level, you can rename the workspace and add an image to represent the workspace.

By clicking on ‘Boards’, you will get an overview of all your boards shared with you.

The ‘Members’ section is where you will get an overview of all the members who are collaborating in this workspace. Depending on your role and the permission level, you might be able to invite new members to the team by typing their email addresses and assigning a role to them, as well as deciding which boards you want to add your team members to.

The 'Permission' section is where you might be able to customise your team members’ roles and what you want them to be able to do within a workspace or across different boards if you are permitted to do so, depending on your assigned role and the permission level.

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