CSV Import and Export

📌 NOTE: Depending on your role and permission level, some of the following features might not be available for your account.

If you’re not too keen on creating an entire board from scratch, then you’ll be glad to know that it’s possible to import CSV files into your ISO+™ boards and folders.

So, whether you have an important Excel spreadsheet you’d like to use or a file from another tool, you’ll be able to import it and reorganise it in ISO+™.

Import a CSV File

You can import a CSV file when creating a new folder. When you click on '+New Folder' in the left sidebar, this option will be visible below the Views.

Click on the Import from CSV button. You will get a pop-up window where you’ll upload your CSV file into ISO+™.

In the next window, you will get to choose a header for your imported table. When you’re ready, click Continue.

In the window that opens up, you will get to map out your data by using attributes in our database.

You can also decide right here which columns you want to see and which ones you don’t.

The columns that are not linked to an attribute will not be imported.

If you get a green checkmark next to your column with the text “All values pass validation for this field”, then you can proceed. 

In case there’s a red exclamation mark with the text “# of issues found”, then you’ll probably need to edit your CSV file or change the attribute.

Once you’re done, you should be able to click on the Continue button. In case there are some errors, you won’t see the Continue button at the bottom of the screen.

In the next window, you will get a preview of your table. If you’re satisfied with how everything looks, continue to import. 

It might take a few moments for the import to be completed. 

Once it’s done, you’ll be able to edit your table further.

You can also import a CSV file to an existing folder/subfolder

Hover over the board and click on the three dots that appear in the bottom right corner of the board. Choose the option Import from CSV.


Export a CSV File

In case you’d like to keep some of your ISO+™ files on your computer, you can easily export your boards and folders in CSV format.

To export a board, you will want to head over to your Dashboard and find the board you’d like to export. 

Hover over the board and click on the three dots that appear in the bottom right corner of the board

Choose the option Export to CSV.

All the folders from the board will be zipped separately when exported. Keep in mind that only the owner of the board can export it in CSV format.

If you want to export a folder, you will need to hover over the folder you’d like to export. 

Click on the three dots that appear in the right corner of the folder name. 

Then select Export from CSV. Your folder will be downloaded in CSV format to your computer.

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