
📌 NOTE: Depending on your role and permission level, some of the following features might not be available for your account.

An Item/subitem consists of various attributes. The attributes shape an item as its characteristics. For example, for each employee as an Item, we can use various Attributes to describe an employee, such as Name, Date of Birth, Address, Phone Number, Email Address, Position, etc. 

In ISO+™, depending on the scope, modules and programs, your workspace consists of many attributes that are structured through different boards, folders/subfolders and items/subitems

Attributes in Different Views

Depending on the view you choose, attributes will look a bit differently. For example,

- In the Table view, each attribute will represent a different column. You will be able to rearrange them by drag-and-dropping them.

- In the Columns and List view, attributes will be assigned a place in the item (i.e. ticket), and you won't be able to change their order.

- In the Calendar and Gantt view, you will see the attributes only when you enter an item.

- In the Form view, each attribute will be a different form field.

List of Attributes


Date can be used for anything from deadlines and events to calls and meetings with clients. A 'time' field can be added to the date as well, as applicable. 

In the Table view, it will be a separate column. In the Calendar view, you won't see it because items will actually be sorted into appropriate date fields, and in the Columns view, you'll see them in the lower part of the ticket. 


Labels are one of the most used and popular attributes in ISO+™. For example, a label attribute named 'Priority', and different labels to your items, such as "High', "Medium", or "Low". Or for a Status label, you can follow what needs to be done by tagging them as "To Do", "In Progress", or "Done".

To make the most out of your labels, you can combine them with customisation features such as filter, group, and sort


As its name suggests, this attribute adds a checkbox to your item for items representing tasks (e.g. for all of your to-do lists), so you can check them off once they’re done. With the help of this attribute, filters, and other Customisation options, you will be able to separate your done tasks from your yet-to-be-completed tasks with more ease.


The Text attribute will allow you to enter any kind of additional text you want to see when you look at your item. This can be anything from the item name to a note that you want to leave for yourself or a team member in a certain item. The Text attribute is usually used for shorter text formats, while Long Text is used for longer documents, notes, and other pieces of text that you want to format with the help of the rich text editor.

Long Text

Sometimes, you’ll want to add comments, instructions, or additional details to an item, and that’s when the Long Text attribute will come in handy the most. For example, the Employment Contract in the Human Resource Management board is a long text attribute.  Long Text will make the most sense in Column view as you can see it fully displayed.


The checklist is a very useful attribute that can categorise your items even further. It can be used to create subtasks within one task and then mark them as done once they are completed. For example, the Employee onboarding and off-boarding attributes in the Employee Register folder on the Human Resource Management board are Checklist attributes. 


With the Links attribute, you will be able to add different links to your items. This can be helpful to teams or individuals who need to link to certain documents, references, research or social media directly from ISO+™. In the Table view, the link attribute will appear as a thumbnail. In the Columns view, you will see the whole link. In the Calendar view, for example, you’ll be able to see the link only if you open up the item sidebar or modal.


You can attach important documents, reports, images and any other files you need to the relevant item.  When adding an attachment through a form, the attachment limit is 5MB. When adding it regularly as an attribute, the limit is 100MB. You can attach more files to the same item following the same principle.

In the Table view, you’ll see it as a small icon with the file extension in the middle. In the Columns view, you’ll see the entire image or preview you added. In the List view, the attachments will be visible, but they’ll be smaller.


The Button attribute is meant to help you activate automation straight from an item just by clicking it. For example, the Archived attribute used in the Documents Masterlist folder of the Documented Information Management board is a Button attribute. 


ISO+™ allows you to include some numbers in your items by using the Number attribute in different formats, such as integer, decimal, percentage, currency, or custom. Custom number allows you to enter any value you need (in the Unit field), as well as select the position of the number you enter.


With the Reference attribute, you will be able to link related items to one another within a board. When you add a reference to your item, clicking on it will bring up information about the item you linked the first one to. Whenever you create a reference attribute, a back reference will be automatically created in the folder you created. A back reference means that you'll be able to go back and forth between the items you referenced. For example, the Objective Reference is a Reference attribute in the subfolder ISMS Objectives Monitoring and Measurement that is linked to the Objective attribute in ISMS Objectives, Targets subfolder, and Plans Register of the Business Management Board.


The Members attribute allows you to assign different team members to items in your boards. If needed, you can add several people to a single item for the most effective collaboration. In case the person you want to assign a task to hasn’t been invited to the board, you can do it straight from the Members attribute by typing in their email and then inviting them to join your team. When you assign a task to someone in ISO+™, they will receive a notification as well as an email with the link that will take them to the item in question. The assigned members will always appear as their profile photos or initials in case they don’t upload a photo.


If you want your team members to be able to upvote new ideas, features, or anything else that you’re working on, then the Vote attribute will surely be of use to you. This attribute will be visible in the Table, Columns, and List views. Voting is limited to once per item, and only people who have ISO+™ accounts are able to partake in the voting process. There are two ways for you to see who voted for a certain attribute: either hover over the number next to the symbol you chose or open up the modal/sidebar, click on the Vote field, and you’ll get a drop-down menu with all the people who voted.

To see which item has the most votes, use the Sort option in the Table view to sort your items.


If you want to keep track of your progress in a more visual way, then the Progress attribute is just for you. The progress bar will appear in the item, and you’ll be able to move it whenever you finish a phase of your task or project. Progress is measured in percentages and will show that in all of your items. For example, this Progress attribute is used in the Project Progress board


With the Rating attribute, you and your team members will be able to easily rate or rank your items in a visual, eye-catching way. The Rating attribute will help you decide on an item’s importance and relevance.


If you’re working with a lot of clients or if you’re creating a database of leads and contacts, then having a field for emails is a must-have. ISO+™ comes with the Email attribute that allows you to have all of your emails listed neatly in one place. You can add one email per item. In the Columns view, the Email attribute will have a small letter symbol next to it, while in Table and List views, you’ll only see the full email.

When you click on the email in an item, you will get the option to either send an email directly or copy and edit the email address.


The Phone attribute is useful in case you decide to create a database with contacts, companies, or employees and need a place for all of your important phone numbers. You can type in one phone number per attribute. The Phone attribute will have a phone symbol next to it in the sidebar/modal and the Columns view, whereas in list and table views, you’ll see the entire number without the symbol. 

When you click on the phone number in your item, you will get the option to call the number, send an SMS, or copy and edit the number.


Formulas allow you to make simple and advanced calculations between different attributes within the same item in your folders. This way, you can easily calculate anything from yearly budgets to financial records, various metrics, estimated costs, etc. Formulas currently work with text, date, and number attributes.

The Formula attribute is static and will be added automatically, reflecting the value as the outcome of the calculation of the attributes (columns) you need a calculation for, and you cannot change their value on your own. 

Custom ID

The Custom ID attribute will allow you to add your own IDs to items you create in different boards and folders and make it easier to sort and find those items that you need. Depending on how it is developed when you add a new item, the value of the Custom ID attribute will be assigned automatically, but you might be allowed to type in the ID number in a Custom ID field on your own.

Created At, Created By and Updated At

If you want to know exactly who created a certain item and when it was created, then the 'Created At' and 'Created By' attributes might be perfect for you. 

The 'Created At' attribute will provide you with the exact time and date, while the 'Created By' attribute will have the profile photo/initials of the person who created the item.

The 'Updated At' functions similarly to 'Created At', except that it provides you with the exact date and time someone edited an item in your board.

These are static attributes, and you can't change their value on your own.

📌 NOTE: To prevent any unnecessary, accidental and unauthorised modification to the attributes, Editing and deleting attributes is not an available feature in your ISO+™ account. If you need any modification to the existing attribute or new attributes, our friendly team is here to help you through the Add-ons

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