Data Restore

📌 NOTE: Depending on your role and permission level, some of the following features might not be available for your account.

In ISO+™, it’s possible to send all folders, items, and attributes to Trash once you no longer have any use for them, either temporarily or permanently.

Sometimes, it might be done accidentally, or for other reasons, you would like to restore the deleted information. So, in ISO+™, you are able to access the Trash section and restore or permanently delete them in Trash within three months from the deletion date if you have the 'Manage Trash' permission

To view the trash, click on the 'Board Manager' button in the top left corner of your board, right next to the Search button.

In the modal that pops up on your screen, choose Trash.

Once you do, you will see three sections: Folders, Items, and Attributes. When you delete one of these three from your board, they will be sorted into the corresponding sections.

You can also search for specific folders, items or attributes with the help of the search bar.

When deleted, folders, items and attributes can either be restored or deleted from Trash. By hovering over them, you will see the options to restore them and permanently delete them. 

This is also where you can see exactly when they were first deleted.

When deleted from Trash, you won’t be able to restore your folders, items or attributes again. They will be deleted permanently.

📌 NOTE: Items, attributes, and folders in Trash don’t take up your storage space.


Managing Folders in Trash

While using ISO+™, if you delete a folder, all the items will be deleted along with it and will appear in the Items section of Trash. 

If you decide to delete a folder from Trash permanently, the items that were previously in it will also be permanently deleted.

If you delete or decide to delete a parent folder permanently, you will get to decide what you want to do with the subfolders in the pop-up window. 

If you tick the “Delete with subfolders option”, they will be permanently deleted, as well. 

If you don’t tick this option, they will remain in Trash until you restore them. Once restored, they will appear at the top of the folder tree.

If you decide to restore a parent folder, it will always be restored to the root of the folder tree.

Managing Items in Trash

While using ISO+™, if you delete an item, it will automatically appear in the Items section of Trash.

If you decide to restore an item from a deleted folder, the item will be restored to a new folder called “Restored Items + Today’s Date”. 

This folder will appear at the root folder level.

In case the parent folder hasn’t been deleted, the item will be restored to its original position. 

If you permanently delete a parent folder from Trash, the items in it will also be deleted.

Managing Attributes in Trash

While using ISO+™, if you delete an attribute, it will automatically appear in the Attributes section of Trash.

Keep in mind that attributes can be deleted only when you delete them on the board level (if you have permission), not just a single folder.

If you decide to restore an attribute, it will be restored to all the folders and items in your entire board

However, in order for that attribute to reappear on restored items and folders, you’ll have to restore the attribute separately.

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