External Integrations

In ISO+™, we can make external integration with other applications through our own API.

ISO+™’s API will ultimately allow us to connect ISP+ to a third-party software of your choice. 

in the current version of our API, we can,

- Create an Attachment from a File

- Create an Attachment from a URL

- Get Attributes

- List Attributes

- Create, Update, and Delete Attributes

- Get Boards

- List Boards

- Get Comments

- List Comments

- Create, Update, and Delete Comments

- Get Folders

- List Folders

- Delete, Update, and Save Folder

- Create Hook

- List Hooks

- Update and Delete Hooks

- Get Items

- List Items

- Create, Update, and Delete Item

- Delete Value

- Get My Profile Data

- List Users

- List Folder Views

- Get Folder Views

- Create, Update, and Delete Folder Views

- List Workspaces

📌 NOTE: The API has a limit of 180 requests per minute/per workspace. When the limit is reached, the API will respond with "429 Too Many Requests".

Other than using our API, we can connect ISO+™ to 2,000+ other web applications using third-party integration tools such as Zapier to Pabbly Connect. 

If you have any questions when it comes to our API or need an integration with other apps, feel free to get in touch with our friendly customer support team.

Reach out to us via chat or send us an email.

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