
📌 NOTE: Depending on your role and permission level, some of the following features might not be available for your account.

In ISO+, it's possible to customise your views (and tabs) by using Filter, Group, Sort and Customize options. You can combine them to get really specific views and always have exactly what you need at the tips of your fingers. 

The Group option in ISO+ will allow you to categorise items in a folder according to different attributes: Checkbox, Members, Labels, Date, Number, Rating, Reference, Vote and Source Folder (in case you're working with subfolders or the Overview mode).

Once you choose how you’ll group your items, the group button will change to represent the attribute you’ve chosen, e.g. ‘Grouped by Status.’

To be able to create different groups, you’ll first have to assign attributes to your items

Once you add the attributes suitable for grouping (e.g. checkbox, members, labels and date), they will appear as group options.

The only thing you need to do then is to click the Group button right below your tabs and choose how you want to group your items.

If you want to remove the group option, click the 'None' on top of the attribute drop-down. 

📌 NOTE: Unlike filters and sorting that can be used multiple times, the group option can be used once per view.

If needed, you can also show and hide empty groups in your boards and folders so that they don't interfere with your work and organisation and take up unnecessary space.

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